
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 8 The Trees

Thinking about the Poem

(Page 100,101)

Question 1.
1. Find, in the first stanza, three things that cannot happen in a treeless forest.
2. What picture do these words create in your mind: "... sun bury its feet in shadow...1? What could the poet mean by the sun’s ‘feet’?

1. The three things that cannot happen in a treeless forest are - the sitting of a bird on trees, the hiding of insects and the sun burying its feet in the shadow of the forest.
2. The sun’s ‘feet’ refers to the rays of the sun that fall on the earth. When there is no shadow on the ground, because there are no trees, the rays fall directly on the ground. In a forest with trees, the shadow hides the sun rays and it seems that the sun is burying its feet in the shadow that fall from the trees.

Question 2.
1. Where are the trees in the poem? What do their roots, their leaves and their twigs do?
2. What does the poet compare their branches to?

1. In the poem, the trees are trapped in the poet’s house. Their roots work all night to disengage themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor. The leaves try very hard to move towards the glass and put a lot of pressure on it so that it breaks, while the small twigs get stiff with exertion.
2. The poet compares the branches to newly discharged patients of a hospital. The large branches of the trees become cramped due to the roof above them, and when they get free they rush stumblingly to the outside world. While doing so, they look half-shocked like the patients, who wait for a long time to get out of the hospital.

Question 3.
1. How does the poet describe the moon:
(a) at the beginning of the third stanza, and
(b) at its end? What causes this change?
2.What happens to the house when the trees move out of it?
3. Why do you think the poet does not mention "the departure of the forest from the house" in her letters? (Could it be that we are often silent about important happenings that are so unexpected that they embarrass us? Think about this again when you answer the next set of questions.)

1. At the beginning of the third stanza, the poet says that the full moon is shining in the open sky in the fresh night. At the end of the stanza, she describes that the moon breaks into pieces like a broken mirror and shines on the heads of the tallest oak trees. As the trees move outside, they cover some of the shine of the moon and it can be seen only in parts. This is why, it seems that the moon has broken into pieces.
2. When the trees move out of the house, the glasses break and the whispers of the trees vanish, leaving the house silent.
3. The poet hardly mentions about "the departure of the forest from the house" in her letters because it is humans, who did not care for nature in the first place. So, maybe, the poet now thinks that nobody would be interested in knowing about the efforts that the trees are making in order to set themselves free. If other men cared about the trees, they would not have destroyed them. It seems that this whole beauty of trees moving back to forests can be seen and felt only by the poet.

Question 4.
Now that you have read the poem in detail, we can begin to ask what the poem might mean. Here are two suggestions. Can you think of others? 1. Does the poem present a conflict between man and nature? Compare it with A Tiger in the Zoo. Is the poet suggesting that plants and trees, used for ‘interior decoration’ in cities while forests are cut down, are ‘imprisoned1, and need to ‘break out’?
2. On the other hand, Adrienne Rich has been known to use trees as a metaphor for human beings: this is a recurrent image in her poetry. What new meanings emerge from the poem if you take its trees to be symbolic of this particular meaning?

Since a poem can have different meaning for different
readers and the poet can mean two different things using the same imagery, both these meanings can be justified in. context of the poem:
1. Yes, the poem presents a conflict between man and nature. Man has always caused much harm to nature, without realizing that it actually is a harm to the human race. Humans cut down forests for forest goods, which has destroyed a lot of natural beauty. By keeping trees inside walls and denying them their natural home, they are denying them their freedom. That is why, the trees want to move out. Similarly, in the poem A Tiger in the Zoo, the poet shows that animals feel bounded by cages and they want to get free and run wild in the open.
2. If trees have been used as a metaphor for human beings, then the poem would mean that like the trees, humans too want to break free of the boundaries that life puts on them. Modern life with all kinds of physical comfort has also brought a lot of moral downfall. Our lives have become busy and we have become selfish and greedy. Man would also want to enjoy the beauty of nature and go out in the open and be free, just like trees.

Important Question

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 8 The Trees Important Questions

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
What is the central idea of the poem, ‘The Trees’?
Year of Question:(2012)
The central idea of the poem is the conflict between man and nature. A plant is brought inside the house when it is a sapling. But as it grows into a tree, it gets suffocated with the limited space available. So it departs to feel free. The tree is thus, moving out to occupy the now empty forest, made so by man’s indiscriminate felling of trees. Humans must understand the negative impact of their actions on nature and mend their ways before it is too late.
Question 2:
Where are the trees at present? What do their roots, and leaves do?
Year of Question:(2010)
At present, the trees are in the house. The roots try to free themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor, and the leaves make efforts to move towards the glass, perhaps in search of light. The small branches become stiff as they try to pull themselves towards the light.
Question 3:
Why is the description of the moon different in the beginning and at the end of the third stanza?
Year of Question:(2008)
At the beginning of the third stanza, the poet says that one can see the whole moon shining in the open sky, but in the end, the moon seems to be broken like a mirror and its pieces shine in the crown of the tallest oak tree. The change is caused by the shifting of the trees outside.
Question 4:
Justify the revolt of the trees and state two values which the man should possess to stop the revolt.
Year of Question:(2006)
The trees inside the house get suffocated as they grow. They try to free themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor and the leaves stretch out as if to move towards the glass. They are justified in their revolt. Men should learn the importance of trees.
Question 5:
How does the poet describe the night? How does she feel?
Year of Question:(2004)
It is night time. The night is fresh. In the open sky, the full moon is shining. The poet feels the smell of leaves and lichen reaching inside the room. Her head is full of whispers. But she thinks that the next day these whispers will be silent.
Question 6:
What is the theme of the poem, ‘The Trees’?
Year of Question:(2002)
The theme of the poem is the disappearance of trees. This poem also brings out the idea of conflict between man and nature. Man is doing more and more harm to nature. Nature is getting angry. Man’s existence on this planet is in danger. Thus, it becomes the foremost duty of every citizen to work for the protection of the environment.
Question 7:
Why are the trees described in the first stanza not useful for birds or insects?
Year of Question:(2011)
The trees described in the first stanza are either decorative plants kept inside a house, or they are shown only in a painting or picture. Therefore, they are not useful for birds or insects. Birds cannot sit on their branches. Insects cannot hide in them.
Question 8:
What happens to the roots and leaves of these trees at night?
Year of Question:(2013)
The roots of these trees are engaged into the cracks of the veranda floor. At night, these roots try to free themselves from the cracks. The leaves try to move towards the glass. Twigs become harden and the boughs try to expand under the roof.
Question 9:
How does the poet describe the growth of the trees inside the house?
Year of Question:(2015)
These trees grow in pots and pans. So their roots feel cramped. These roots try to free themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor. The leaves need light. So they move towards the glass. The twigs are stiff and the boughs are like the newly discharged patients coming out of clinic doors.
Question 10: Why does the poet use the metaphor of newly discharged patients?
Year of Question:(2017)
Answer: A patient feels depressed in a hospital. As soon as he recovers, he is eager to leave the hospital. He rushes towards the clinic doors. In the same way, the plants in the pots feel suffocated. They are deprived of adequate light. So they stretch themselves towards the glass door, in the hope of finding the light.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
‘Departure is painful’. So is the departure of the trees for the poet. What will happen after their departure?
Year of Question:(2019)
Just like the departure of someone close to us is painful, so also is the departure of a tree. When they are planted as a sapling, they look nice and enhance the beauty of our surroundings. But as they grow and spread out their branches, they look wild and require more space for their growth. The roots create cracks in the floor and the leaves stretch out as if to move towards the glass, perhaps in need of sunlight. The soft twigs become strong and stiff. So the trees need to be removed from the house. No more do the leaves cover the sky, but the trees breathe and they are welcomed by the wind. The moon resembles a broken mirror, reflecting off the leaves. The poet reveals that she will feel lonely after the trees’ departure.
Question 2:
How does the poem ‘The Trees’ make a strong plea against deforestation?
Year of Question:(2002)
"The Trees" by Adrienne Rich is a poem that subtly addresses the issue of deforestation. Through its verses, the poem personifies trees, giving them human-like qualities and emotions. This approach creates a connection between the reader and the natural world, making the loss and suffering of trees due to deforestation feel more personal and impactful. Rich describes the trees as attempting to escape from a house, a metaphor for the struggle of nature against human encroachment and destruction. This imagery of escape and the contrast between the natural world and human constructions highlight the beauty and importance of trees, emphasizing what is lost when forests are cut down. Additionally, the poem touches on themes of renewal and regeneration, suggesting a hope for nature to reclaim its space and heal from the damage caused by human activities. The emotional language used by Rich in the poem engages the reader’s feelings, further enhancing the message of the importance of preserving natural environments. By creating an emotional bond with the subject, the poem effectively communicates the urgency of protecting forests and stopping deforestation.
Question 3:
Explain the phrase "the forest that was empty all these days". After reading the poem, for whom do you think are the forests needed? Imagine yourself like a tree in a forest.
Year of Question:(2006)
In the poem, ‘The Trees’ poet Adrienne Rich subtly drives home the message about the importance of trees. Without trees, the birds would not have a place to sit, insects will have no place to hide and the sun would not bury its feet in shadow. As saplings, we enjoy the beauty of plants as they adorn the surroundings. But slowly, the tree spreads its roots, its branches and leaves, and seems to yearn to go outside where it can live and grow without any restrictions. No more does the tree look attractive indoors. The trees are however welcomed into nature by strong winds and the moon. The poet hereby emphasises that trees need to be kept alive, but should not be ‘imprisoned’ inside the house as they look more beautiful, and tend to thrive outdoors that is where trees belong.

Extract Based Questions
Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1:
The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning.
Year of Question:(2004)
a. From where are the trees moving out into the forest?
b. Why can’t birds sit or insects hide in them?
c. How was the forest ‘all these nights’?
d. Are these trees useful for birds and insects?
a. The trees are moving out of the mind of the painter and coining on the canvas.
b. These are not real trees. These are the trees in a picture or are decorative trees in a house. So birds can’t sit or insects cannot hide in them.
c. All these nights, the forest was empty.
d. No, these trees are not useful for birds and insects.
Question 2:
All night the roots work
to disengage themselves from the cracks
in the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
small twigs stiff with exertion
long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
like newly discharged patients
half-dazed, moving
to the clinic doors.
Year of Question:(2003)
a. What do the roots do all night?
b. How are the small twigs?
c. What are the boughs compared to?
d. What do the leaves do?
a. All night the roots work to free themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor.
b. The small twigs are stiff.
c. The boughs are compared to newly discharged patients.
d. The leaves strain towards the glass.
Question 3:
I sit inside, doors open to the veranda
writing long letters
in which I scarcely mention the departure
of the forest from the house.
The night is fresh, the whole moon shines
in a sky still open.
Year of Question:(2002)
a. Where is the poet sitting?
b. What is the poet doing?
c. What does she not mention in her letters?
d. How does the poet describe the night and the moon?
a. The poet is sitting in her room.
b. The poet is writing long letters.
c. She does not mention the departure of the forest from the house.
d. The night is pleasant and fresh. The full moon is shining.
Question 4: the smell of leaves and lichen
still reaches like a voice into the rooms.
My head is full of whispers
which tomorrow will be silent.
Year of Question:(2011)
a. Where is the poet sitting at present?
b. Which smell is reaching her?
c. What is her head full of?
d. What will be silent tomorrow?
a. At present, the poet is sitting in her room.
b. The smell of leaves and lichen is reaching her.
c. Her head is full of whispers.
d. Tomorrow, the whispers will be silent.
Question 5:

Listen. The glass is breaking.
The trees are stumbling forward
into the night Winds rush to meet them.
The moon is broken like a mirror,
its pieces flash now in the crown
of the tallest oak.
Year of Question:(2016)
a. What does the poet say about the trees?
b. What rushes out to meet the trees?
c. How does the poetess describe the moon?
d. Why does the wind rush?
a. The poet says that the trees are stumbling forward into the night.
b. The wind rushes out to meet the trees.
c. The poet says that the moon is like a broken mirror.
d. The wind rushes to meet the trees.

Important Questions and Answers: The Trees

Three things that cannot happen in a treeless forest?


  • No birds can sit in the trees
  • No insects can hide in the forest
  • No shadows are cast because the sun cant "bury its feet" in the shadows of the trees
Meaning of the phrase: "sun bury its feet in shadow"?


  • The phrase creates a vivid picture of the suns rays casting shadows on the forest floor
  • The poet uses the word "feet" to symbolize the suns rays touching the ground, which creates shadows under trees
Location and movement of the trees?


  • Location: The trees in the poem are inside the house
  • Roots: They are working to free themselves from the cracks in the veranda
  • Leaves: The leaves are straining towards the glass, trying to escape
  • Twigs: The small twigs are stiff with exertion as they try to break free
Comparison of branches to something else?


  • The poet compares the branches to newly discharged patients in a clinic who are slowly moving, symbolizing their effort to break free from confinement
Description of the moon in Stanza 3?


  • At the beginning: The moon is described as whole and shining in the night sky.
  • At the end: The moon is described as broken like a mirror, with its pieces flashing in the crown of the tallest oak tree.
  • Cause of the change: The breaking of the moon is a metaphor for the movement of the trees, symbolizing freedom and change.
Changes in the house when the trees move out?


  • The house becomes empty and silent
  • The presence of nature leaves the house, and it no longer has the smell of leaves and lichen
Reason for the poet not mentioning the departure of trees in her letters?


  • The poet might feel that the departure is too significant to mention in a casual way
  • This silence could reflect how people often avoid talking about important events that are difficult to express
Conflict between man and nature?


  • The poem suggests a conflict between man and nature by showing how trees are confined indoors as decoration while forests are being destroyed
  • The trees in the poem "break out" to return to their natural habitat, symbolizing their desire for freedom
Metaphorical interpretation of the trees?


  • If the trees are seen as a metaphor for human beings, they represent people who are trapped in confined spaces and are seeking freedom and individuality
Comparison with "On Killing a Tree" by Gieve Patel?


  • Similarities: Both poems explore the theme of trees and their struggle against human actions
  • Differences: "On Killing a Tree" focuses on the violence done to trees, while "The Trees" shows their escape from confinement
